Thank you, Mr. Chair.
At the meeting of October 21, I summarized the suite of Treasury Board policies that I believe will be effective in bringing about improved financial management in the federal government, and in particular improved systems of internal control.
I would like to reiterate the point just made by the secretary, that members may see for themselves the results of one of those policy changes. Departmental performance reports to be tabled tomorrow for the 22 largest departments will include links to their financial statements and disclosures on the state of their internal controls.
Much of the discussion at the October 21 meeting centred on the provision in the policy on financial resource management, information, and reporting that assigns to the Comptroller General the responsibility to decide when to request an audit, in whole or in part, of the department's financial statements. This selective approach was contrasted with an earlier idea that would have required audits of all departments' financial statements.
I would like to take this opportunity to make a point that perhaps was not made as clearly as it might have been at the earlier meeting.
The financial transactions of all departments that are subject to the Treasury Board financial suite that I just mentioned are included in the summary financial statements of the Government of Canada. Consequently, all such transactions are subject to annual examination by the Auditor General, as are all the systems of control operating in departments. It is therefore a matter of choice by the Auditor General as to the nature and extent of the work she undertakes.
Professional standards establish guidelines for levels of materiality to be used by auditors. In practice, levels determined according to the guidelines are treated as maximum levels, but lower levels of materiality--and hence more in-depth examinations of any or all systems or transactions--may be chosen if, in the auditor's judgment, the circumstances warrant it.
For your information, the Auditor General spent roughly 33,000 hours on the audits of large departments and the consolidation process to produce the 2010 Public Accounts of Canada. It is important that members of this committee understand that the policy on financial resource management, information, and reporting only provides the Comptroller General with authority to request additional audit work. It does not restrict the Auditor General in any way. It is my understanding that the Auditor General is able to take into consideration any particular interests of this committee as she plans her work.
Thanks, Mr. Chair, for permitting me to add that clarification.