Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Just very briefly, I have two comments. Firstly, I think Mr. Ralston's absolutely correct that the $300 million to strengthen the controls will be required to either prepare for audited financial statements or to fully implement the new policy on internal controls. So I think that's necessary spending anyway if the government's priority is to strengthen those controls.
If I may, Mr. Chairman, on the issue of the audit costs, how much does it cost to audit these accounts, the Comptroller General has indicated today that the Auditor General spends over 30,000 hours a year auditing the public accounts of Canada. That's absolutely correct. Those public accounts were tabled last week. They show total spending by government of $270-some-odd billion, total liabilities of almost $900 billion. So the Auditor General's office spends 30,000-plus hours auditing those accounts at that level, and obviously there are some very big numbers in there.
When we did the audit of departmental financial statements, for example, when we did the audit of the Department of Justice in 2009, we spent just over 2,000 hours doing the audit of that department as a separate entity. So we have to plan the audit as an audit of a much smaller organization and have to do more work than we would have to do in Justice in terms of the amount of spending it contributes to the overall public accounts of Canada. I don't have Justice's spending numbers here, but I suspect it may be $1 billion or whatever it is out of $270 billion.
So we have to do a lot more work in the Department of Justice to audit them separately than we would in the public accounts of Canada.
We spent 2,000 hours doing the audit of the departmental financial statements of the Department of Justice. When we only audit them as part of the public accounts of Canada--and these numbers aren't necessarily representative--we estimate it's only going to be 100 or 200 hours. So the amount of effort we would do in Justice, as a small, separate entity, which makes a very small part of the public accounts of Canada, is a fraction of what it would be if we audited it separately.
One shouldn't extrapolate from the numbers I've just used. Justice is a relatively small department in the list of the top 22. If we take an organization like the Department of National Defence, when we audit the Department of National Defence as part of the public accounts of Canada that I refer to, I believe--I think, Nancy--we spend 3,000 or 4,000 hours in the Department of National Defence because of their significance to those accounts.
If we were to audit them as a separate entity, if Defence were at the point where it could support a controls-based audit, we're clearly going to spend more than 3,000 or 4,000 hours. We haven't yet estimated how much it would be, but it would be more audit attention in the Department of National Defence than it currently is. I don't think it's going to be the same sort of ratio of 2,000 hours to 100 hours; I think we might have to do double the amount of work we do in DND to support a separate audit as opposed to auditing in the public accounts of Canada.
I just hope that helps to clarify for the committee the work we do on the consolidated financial statements of the Government of Canada, and what's necessary to support that opinion, versus what we would do in individual departments to give an opinion on departmental financial statements.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.