Mr. Chair, in terms of the risk-based process, it's an evolving process. We are continuously looking at companies. The profile of a company may change from one month to the next, because we look at different criteria. We look at management practices. We look at labour difficulties. We look at their product line, facilities, turnover, key personnel. We look at this. We are always adjusting the risk profiles of companies, and we're trying to provide clarity to our inspectors to make sure they understand what that means.
If we identify companies that are falling into a category of high risk or higher risk, we have various measures we can take not only in terms of our inspection activities but also in terms of enforcement. If we became aware that there was an immediate threat, that a company was basically in a higher-risk category, there are various powers we have under the legislation and the regulation. We can either cancel the certificate, issue a notice of suspension, call for corrective action plans, or suspend operations. There are a number of measures we have in the tool kit for addressing these kinds of issues.
Mr. McDonald, would you like to add to that?