I now call the meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 120 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Accounts.
Before we begin, I would like to remind all members and other participants in the room of the following important preventive measures.
To prevent disruptive and potentially harmful audio feedback incidents that cause injuries, all in-person participants are reminded to keep their earpieces away from all microphones at all times.
As you're aware, the following measures have been taken to help prevent audio feedback incidents. We're now using black earpieces that are of higher quality. Please use those. By default, all unused earpieces will be unplugged at the start of a meeting.
When you're not using your earpiece, please place it face down in the middle of the sticker for this purpose, which is generally on your right on the table. Please consult the cards on your table for guidelines to prevent audio feedback incidents.
The room layout has been adjusted to increase the distance between microphones and to reduce the chance of feedback from the ambient earpiece.
These measures, of course, are in place so that we can conduct our business without interruption and protect the health and safety of all participants, with a special attention to our interpreters.
I thank you all for your consideration.
The committee is meeting today to discuss committee business.
As some of you are aware, I'll start with ArriveCAN.
For our study on ArriveCAN, the following witnesses have declined our invitation: Harriet Solloway, from the Office of the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner of Canada; John Ossowski; Paul Girard; and the RCMP.
I think correspondence has been sent to you on at least three of these four. We'll send you the fourth one as well, once that is translated.
The Ethics Commissioner has not declined, but has indicated that they're not available until June. Of course, I'm prepared to work with that.
I'm going to move into a discussion.
Mr. Nater, I'll recognize you first.