I'd like to go back, chief, to one of the previous questions. I think it was Mr. Ménard who mentioned Mr. Shur and the placement of the administration of the program from the police into civilian hands.
Just to assist you, and I don't think I'm wrong here, but in the U.S. model, a civilian body determines who should or who should not be in the program, but it is the U.S. marshals who physically move the person and their family or the persons around. That's my understanding.
Mr. Shur from the U.S. seemed to indicate that Canada's program was a very good program, but because of the civilian oversight of the program, it took it out of the hands of the police and we seem to be, in this country, in this Parliament, in this specific time in the history of our Parliament, in our relationship with our national police force, in a time when everything you do as an organization will be under scrutiny because of certain other things that are occurring. That theme is now in this body.
You're here today particularly because of one instance in the entire program that some people are manipulating or trying to manipulate and are saying a whole lot of things are wrong with the program. No program, because we deal in human beings, and because doctors practise their trade and lawyers practise their trade, policemen aren't permitted to practise their trade.... We haven't said policemen practise law enforcement; we say policemen do law enforcement. Why you don't practise it is because the lawmakers of this country practise making laws. So I guess we're practising now by looking at the law and looking at what you do and how you do it, in order to determine, do we have one of the best programs in the world?
I'm going to make a very polite suggestion, as I made to a previous commissioner: that we from time to time need to--and I think as parliamentarians that's what we're doing here today--look at what we do in terms of best practices, and what other organizations do. I am quite certain the RCMP has a distinct ability to be able to go to the public safety minister and say this program may not be.... Here are some suggestions we have as to how to change them.
I think if there was that ebb and flow and seemed to have and be seen by the public.... Because what we're doing here is we need to make sure the public has faith, not only in our ability as legislators that we're doing our job, but that the people who are tasked with enforcing the law and making these programs work are doing so in an open way instead of in an opaque way.
My question is, would you not think it advisable that the RCMP look at the U.S. model, which may or may not be better than ours, but at least look at it, in terms of could it be.... And this body, they work within the RCMP, this civilian body may use you to do the physical part of it, but make the determination. Do you think that would be a worthy exercise?