Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Thank you very much, officers. I think your input has been very informative and appreciated. You have a different perspective of what's going on in those issues.
Over the last few sessions on this issue, I can feel, just as anybody else does, that this is a very complex matter and that what we have been hearing in these meetings from our perspective is only a small corner of the whole operation. Because the acts have been here over ten years, I feel it's time to have a thorough review of that issue.
In one of the sessions there was a gentleman from Scotland on TV. He is a professor. He was doing an overview of the whole system they operate in Scotland. To me, in order for us to be able to have a good review of the program, I would suggest we appoint someone like that to review the operations of the last ten years in confidentiality and see with this policy if there are problems in the system. Would you have any problem, based on your experience, to allow such independent criminologists or lawyers or whatever to review that system?