Thank you very much, and thank you for inviting us to appear.
I guess I don't need to introduce our organization, because we have been here before. In case there are any new people, our organization works with those who are marginalized, victimized, criminalized, and institutionalized, particular imprisoned women and girls.
I want to take the opportunity very quickly to say that next week is National Elizabeth Fry Week, which is a week in which we try to draw attention to the number of women who are in prison. We end it on Mother's Day to draw attention to the number of those who are in prison and the impact that imprisonment has not just upon them but upon their children. As many of you are aware, in the case of 90% of the women who go to prison who have children, their children end up in the care of the state, compared with 10% in the case of men. So it's a very different situation for women, and it ends in our having to deal with the victimization of their children as well.
With no further ado, I'll get to Bill C-350.
I want to start by saying that in principle of course our organization supports compensation, restitution, child support, and ensuring that all individuals are held accountable and take responsibility for their financial and fiscal obligations.
I find it challenging, though, when looking at Bill C-350, to take into account that we're talking about situations in which people may receive compensation because of their victimization--essentially, situations in which victims are being compensated and then being required to use their compensation moneys to assist others.
I know that this situation already exists. For instance, we know that in the majority of cases of those who receive compensation, it is because there has been an acknowledgment by the corrections service, in the context of receiving it from corrections or the state, that they have been victimized, that their rights have been violated, and often that they've been abused. To have that resource treated as an income rather than the compensation it is and to have them recharacterized other than as the victims they are in those contexts, somehow still carrying on with a perpetration or adding to the punitive treatment they receive, is a concern for us.
We know that despite some of the testimony I was able to review, very few prisoners get lawyers to do this. There is not legal aid, and there are very few individuals who can afford to get counsel to assist them with this. Usually the cases in which there is a resolution of this sort and there is a compensation scheme are those in which there is a particularly egregious breach of human rights and charter provisions. It's usually a settlement negotiation, because the individuals don't tend to have counsel. When it is a settlement, one of the conditions is a non-disclosure clause. A challenge would be to go behind those non-disclosure clauses, whether with the corrections service—and obviously corrections would know, because they are imposing that non-disclosure clause....
I read with interest the testimony of Mr. Taller and his colleague from the Department of Justice. It would in fact breach a prisoner's privacy if they first required a non-disclosure provision and then breached it by notifying others or imposing....
Those are questions the committee would have to look at.
I already know, given that in some instances women will ask—and as you know, for the last 21 years now my focus has been on women, although prior to that I worked with men and young people.... In the last 20 years, and in my experience with men as well, often when those non-disclosure clauses are signed there is an expectation that they will have some assistance in what they can do with their money or how they can invest it. Sometimes I have been asked to consult on those. In my experience, any income that women have used has either gone to assist their children, for counselling, or some of them have used it to take courses to essentially allow them to participate in their own rehabilitation, because education is not covered. Education has not been covered in this country beyond grade 10, sometimes grade 12 and GED-equivalency, since 1992.
The other concern I have and that I haven't seen addressed—and it may be that I missed it, so I would encourage anybody, if there is information about this, to bring it to my attention—is that there are some prisoners who have had extensive experiences in residential schools and have recently received some residential school compensation because of the apology that was provided by the government and the scheme that has been set up by the government to compensate those individuals who experienced physical, psychological, and/or sexual abuse in the residential schools.
I know it's already an issue we've had to raise with legal aid. In some areas, legal aid has tried to force individuals who have residential school claims to pay for their own legal counsel when they're trying to get assistance with matters. Clearly that is not what the residential school settlements were supposed to be for.
Again, there were individuals who have been using them to assist their children, and to assist themselves in their own rehabilitation to take counselling to deal with the trauma. We would have concerns about those resources being then tapped into, to fund other resources with the state.
We do support the development of better victim services, overall. Our concern, however, is that it should not be funded in this way by victims themselves. That's a position I would suspect most everybody here has taken as well.
So really the question becomes at what point are you ceasing to recognize individuals who are being compensated because of their victimization as victims, and what is the label imposed upon them because they are serving a sentence, forever tainting every other facet of their lives? We would have concerns about that.
I'm happy to answer any questions.