Without giving away trade craft.
The reports come in. We have an air-gapped database. Contrary to most financial intelligence units in the world, police, law enforcement...no one else has access to our database, not unless you work at FINTRAC, and that's only if you work on the tactical intelligence side and only if you're working on that particular case. There is “need to know” within the agency as well.
Essentially, the information comes in. Let's say it's a suspicious transaction report and one of the two people who look at this finds some key words. It looks like #ProjectProtect, for example, dealing with human trafficking. They would read through the STR. They would give it to a team leader in the geographic area. STR teams are set up by geography. They would give it, for example, to the central region team leader, who would then take it and do some quick searches in the database to see if in fact we have transactions. They would give it to one of our analysts, who would then take that STR and go through it.
Often the STR, especially with Project Protect, will identify that money went from this account to this account, or this IP address to this IP address. We would take that and search the rest of the database to see if we had other additional transactions that could be brought together to provide a very good picture for law enforcement.
Once we have that, we will put our own case together. We have summary sheets. We have transaction tables. We have i2 charts. We have fact sheets that identify who is included in the disclosure and why. We will do some open source information. We'll also look in our database to see if this is related to any other previous cases on which we disclosed. If so, we will include that. Then we will send that out to the appropriate law enforcement agency.