Just to add some additional data points, we did a study of our own hacking community. One in four hackers have at one time found a vulnerability but not reported it because the company didn't have a channel to disclose it. To Jobert's point, there are definitely many people out there, one in four hackers in our own community, who wanted to do more and couldn't without a safe harbour.
We're happy to work with any office to draft any law to put in the provisions, but it would just generally given the authority for a vulnerability disclosure policy. The Hack the Department of Homeland Security Act of 2018 was just passed in January, and those requiring the DHS to have a vulnerability disclosure policy in a bug bounty pilot.... And so the language—I want to say it's about six or seven pages long—authorizes the creation of VDP in a bug bounty pilot for that agency. The Hack Your State Department Act was introduced by Congress earlier this year. So there are texts of language that are out there, but we can certainly help draft that language.