Performance indicators can be a challenge. They need to be focused on the results and the objective that you're trying to achieve. Again, the Beyond the Border action plan audit that we did had a number of initiatives that were designed to improve security at the border. How do you know whether the security has been improved?
They had different activities that they wanted to do, for example, putting in new screening equipment at airports. You can measure whether they have done that or not—have they put in place the new screening equipment—but that doesn't necessarily tell you whether the security is any better or not. That's really the challenge in performance measurement.
Often what ends up happening is that organizations measure what's easy to measure—did they put in a new piece of equipment—rather than measuring what I'll call important to measure, which is, did what they did actually improve security at the border?
I think what all organizations need to work very hard on is identifying not just whether they put a piece of equipment in place, but how they have a sense of whether they feel that the security is better or not.
Thank you.