When this issue burst on to the public domain some months ago, I was encouraged by the way a number of police forces responded to say this category of unfounded was too large and we had to get to the bottom of it and find a better way of dealing with this whole issue. Because no one who has been subject to sexual violence should feel in any way inhibited or limited in their ability to come forward, to be respected, to be treated in a serious manner and not just brushed aside.
Various police forces looked at how they were doing things and they looked for international experience to how they might improve their conduct and their procedures and so forth. The RCMP has been particularly proactive and there is additional money now in the budget to assist them in the work of making sure that all of this previous activity is properly analysed and that the right kind of procedures are put in place for the future so that there can be perhaps different kind of reporting protocols, different ways in which the statistics are presented so that no one has the sense or the reality of having been brushed aside.
Because I think this is the last answer and perhaps Dan Dubeau's last opportunity, let me just ask the acting commissioner to make some observations on how the force has responded to this.