Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'll bring this up now because the member opposite just mentioned how medical professionals are in favour of that. I'd like to read a few quotes to differentiate the opinion on that, if I may.
I will note that the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians were initially supportive of Bill C-21's red flag laws, but as of October 21 have reversed their position completely. They do not support the current provisions and prefer a reporting mechanism for physicians.
Mr. Alan Drummond of the CAEP tweeted, “the problem, as I see it, with Canada's proposed Red Flag Law is that it is heavy on the judiciary and court process and equally burdensome on the vulnerable for whom the process may seem intimidating and an exercise in futility.”
He also went on to say, “The government cannot expect the victims of Intimate Partner Violence, in a climate of fear, to initiate the onerous task of court proceedings and places yet another and unwelcome barrier to those seeking safety for themselves and their families” and “We are supportive of the concept of Red Flag Laws but not THIS Red Flag law.”
Dr. Atul Kapur of the CAEP stated:
...we have concerns that, in its present form, the language in the bill will have very limited effectiveness.
...We continue to maintain that this is far from the timely responsiveness that is required. We, as emergency physicians, must be able to report the incident or a patient at higher risk to the police directly in order to protect the individual and their friends and families. When minutes and hours count, taking days or weeks to act is indefensible.
This applies to patients who are at a high risk of suicidality, but do not reach the level of needing to be admitted to hospital. It also applies to patients with a history of dementia and impulsive behaviour, and particularly to patients whom we identify to be at risk of domestic or interpersonal violence.
Dr. Atul Kapur also stated:
Placing the onus on victims of interpersonal violence or on a family member of a depressed person or demented parent is largely unworkable and an unwelcome hindrance to getting the guns temporarily out of the homes of those in crisis.
Also, the Canadian Bar Association stated:
Some have argued that the proposed provisions are a useful suicide prevention tool. We find that the deployment of tactical teams and subjecting mentally ill people to high stress situations with possible criminal consequences is not a suitable means of handling this issue. In fact, it poses the very real risk that mentally ill individuals will not seek help and instead conceal issues fearing that their doctor, psychiatrist, or any other person might seek these heavy sanctions against them.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.