On Thursday we will have the Auditor General come to our meeting on the GBA report. We could also talk about the estimates this Thursday. That could be the work for the Thursday committee.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we would send out the lists, in both official languages, for people to consider. I think the following week is break week. When we come back after the break, everyone will have had a good long time to think about it.
I also believe that International Women's Day takes place during the week we come back, so we would celebrate International Women's Day and put the focus on the social media tagging that was indicated.
In the meetings that week, we should talk about the priorities. The budget comes out on March 22, so if we want to wait until then to finalize the priorities, what we could do at the meeting, once we have the list, is to at least narrow and identify early work and some witnesses we want to bring.
Go ahead, Ms. Sahota.