I will start the answer. I will invite my colleagues to jump in afterward.
Regarding cyberbullying and the prevalence that we were able to measure using the GSS survey, this was the first iteration of the GSS where we specifically asked these questions. In the next iteration in 2019, when we conduct the survey again, we'll probably see different numbers. I don't know. Maybe the questions are going to be tweaked differently, or we may have different questions, too, because this is an area that is evolving very fast with the technology, and we need to adapt.
In regard to what's happening on campuses, we can provide some information, certainly, regarding where these victimizations occur. We do have numbers that we can provide to the committee. With the GSS, it's very hard to see if, by using campus alone as a location, we would have enough information that would be reliable enough to publish. The thing we know is that when we compare students with non-students overall, and we control for age, there's not much difference in victimization rates.
However, the locations where we find that sexual assaults seem to happen most often are bars and restaurants. Private residences would come a close second. Commercial or office buildings are the third location. Of course, where these people have gotten to know each other before, that's another issue; this is only for the location where the victimization occurs.
We can look for more and provide the committee with some of these numbers.