Thank you, Madam Chair.
In our first panel, Lieutenant-General Carignan stated that training is not achieving the aim of reducing misconduct in any way. This is a serious assertion, and we should all be alarmed. Dr. West expressed that RMC is a breeding ground, unfortunately, of toxic culture that permeates the forces. It is where the majority of our officers are indoctrinated into the military.
Throughout the committee meetings, I can't help but conclude the reality is it doesn't matter what institutional changes happen or what systems are set in place, if the change doesn't happen internally within the individuals' minds and hearts, change is superficial and only an optic to satisfy a regulatory mandate, so there must be personal accountability.
Major-General Chapdelaine, your chaplaincy permits you to help members probe the deepest parts of their heart. Based on your experience or the experience of other chaplains, of the members who come for care, without breaching confidentiality, have men who have committed sexual assault or misconduct ever come to you for help? If so, what kind of help were they looking for? What personal counselling is available for men in the CAF? Is the support used? Are the men who receive allegations or complaints recommended to receive counselling services?