Thank you.
You know, Mr. Minister, lest you think we were inventing things--as I said, I could read the list where all of these things exist. There are 55,000 crossings across Canada, according to your initiative. There are 103 projects, and all but four of them are in ridings where you have representation. I applaud members for making representation on behalf of their constituency, but I wanted to make the connection with rail safety and how that fit in with what we have been talking about all along. That is, about every three and a half days you have a primary track derailment, especially with CN. We've been trying to get at that, and we wondered why your department--it says here “leading department”, so the responsibility would be yours--wouldn't be acting on a report that had already been commissioned by your predecessor and that was available to the department and to the public.
I just want to clear this up, and I want to be fair, because in the past I've said that this draft report from the Lapierre inquiry was available. You, on national television, said you weren't permitted to make it public. Just a few moments ago you said it appears that CN has changed its mind.
I'm going to give you an opportunity to clarify it, but just let me put it in place for you. CN has said they never had any objection to having that report publicized. In fact, what they did was they dealt with your department on the draft so that the final report, which was then subject to audit to ensure that they complied with that report, was the one that we would be judging. All of the questions that we've been raising are subsequent to the publication of that audit that took place about a month ago. So our question, my question specifically, is why we don't use the legal mechanisms, the regulatory mechanisms that you have at your disposal, to ensure compliance by CN with a system that they participated in putting in place. After all, they tied your hands--by your definition, not by theirs--by saying “We want to have input, so until we have input, please don't judge us.” You complied, and then on their final paper they're not complying. So what's going on, Mr. Minister?