There were a certain number of deficiencies identified by the Office of the Auditor General. The first one touches on the roles and responsibilities and the need for the organization to focus much more on its security screening applications and operations.
Second, the auditor needed better management tool systems to be put in place. What we did, of course, as any government would do, is, one, recognize the seriousness of this issue, and, second, have a fulsome discussion with the chair, which I did at the time. The chair recognized the importance of making sure that this issue be tidied up, to use that expression, and felt it was maybe time to pass the task to somebody else.
I asked Margaret Purdy, who is a person with a great deal of experience in this sector particularly, to take on the task as interim chair. I appointed her on January 26 of this year and asked her to make sure that the Auditor General's special examination of CATSA be put into place. She has developed an action plan--if I'm not mistaken, deputy--and she will be making sure that those specific recommendations are put in place.