Thank you.
It was your colleagues in the United Kingdom, in the 2008 parliamentary report of the transport committee, who said, about the London Underground: “Whether or not the Metronet failure was primarily the fault of the particular companies involved, we are inclined to the view that the model itself was flawed and probably inferior to traditional public-sector management”.
There are auditors general across Canada, including the federal Auditor General, who at times have commented upon the so-called public-private partnerships. There is a legitimate role for the private sector to help us build Canada's public sector. That's where the work belongs: it belongs in the hands of the private sector. But when we start mortgaging debt at terrible prices compared to what we could manage that debt at ourselves.... Mr. McGuinty was elected for the first time in 2003. He said he was going to take to court the whole deal around Highway 407 in Toronto. He found out that it's locked down for 90 years. He's not able to undo that deal. He says he'll never make that mistake again.
History and countries around the world, including this country, are replete with examples. Mortgaging debt at inflated costs is a bad move. The private sector assisting the public realm in building infrastructure is an appropriate move.