Eventually we should have a discussion, in terms of this study, on how long and when, and what area we want to get into. There are areas we should focus on, but it's probably best if it's the committee as a whole for that kind of discussion, dwelling on one or two specific areas, such as whether it's amortization, what kind of system, gas tax versus capital funding.
There are different ways we could discuss different areas of this strategy. Right now it's all lumped into one, which is fine, but for me, what would be really helpful is if in two or three areas it could be the committee of the whole, with people we invite, and we could actually have an in-depth discussion and not just the normal bouncing back and forth to different.... That's fine, but you touch on something and then you go on to something else, and you never really have enough opportunity to get into it. Sometimes we might agree with each other, but then the third questioner would move the discussion to another angle, which is sometimes really frustrating.
So I think there might be consensus on some areas we want to really look at, whether it's big cities, smaller cities, or smaller towns, that kind of thing. What's top down? What's from the grassroots up? There are different areas.
We could even have an informal discussion on that, Mr. Chair, so that we make the time that we spend here even more productive.