I'm happy to report that there's been progress in all three of those areas.
I'll talk to web accessibility. The system that we need it for has been updated; it's fully functional. We've been moving all of our forms and everything to make them fully accessible. The plan is that by the end of March, in a month from now, everything will be fully accessible. We have already put up the really important things like what you can bring, liquids and wait times. Those are things that passengers need. Those are fully accessible now. What we are still working on, which becomes a bit more difficult, are things like our corporate plans, because there's so much in there to make them accessible. That is what we're working on now.
In terms of training, the Auditor General said that there were a couple of things. One was making sure that we can train fast, as soon as people come in, not only decision-makers but all screening officers. Regarding screening officers, when I came in, I guess, last April before a previous committee, we had 100%, and we still have 100% of screening officers fully trained. At this point in time, you're not allowed on the floor until you've had your full training on accessibility.
Then, for all of the decision-makers and management, as soon as you're hired, you're basically given a very short time frame to do all of your accessibility training. There are also refresher courses every year. Our system can monitor and measure to make sure, such that if you didn't do it, I can tell, and we send you an email to say that you have to do it. I am happy to say that I can tell you that right now I have 100% of decision-makers, managers and screening officers fully trained.
In terms of the training, one piece of advice from the Auditor General was that we work with persons with disabilities on the training. We've done quite a bit work on that. Some of the training that we've done, and new training as well, is on screening passengers with vision loss, passengers with reduced mobility and accessibility awareness. We had all kinds of people with different types of disabilities come in and talk about their lived experience, and they are part of the training. They say, “This is what I experienced. This is how you can improve it.” That's helped us quite a bit not only to improve but also to teach people what they need to do from their own perspective, which has been very helpful.
In terms of complaints data, we've done all the work now in assessing how we can manage it better. We're working with our systems to see what's in the realm of the possible, and working internally to make sure that it works for everybody. Our next step is to work with persons with disabilities to make sure, if we report on it, that it makes sense to them. Then, after that, we'll be implementing it. The target date is September 2024, and we're on target for that as well.