Historically, we've been trying to change this regulation since 2006, from what I remember. It was a big issue, and then it fell by the wayside.
What I know is this: People are dying on the waterways. If we look at the stats, Ontario fatalities account for about a third of all fatalities in Canada. People are dying because they're falling off vessels, or vessels are capsizing. It's not the bigger vessels, which are more stable. It's the smaller vessels. Every time I read a report that someone has lost their life, when simply wearing a life jacket would have saved their life, it takes a little piece out of me.
I think it's a very important thing. With the technology out there today, like inflatable life jackets and all the items we have now—belt life jackets for SUPs—it's crazy not to wear a life jacket. I'm a huge advocate for mandatory wear. I think I'm part of a small percentage of them in the country. I've read a lot of comments on Let's Talk Transportation, but I think if they did my job, people would change their tune.