Now it's my turn to ask a question. We have 53 veterans associations and none of those 53 associations doesn't want to lose its little kingdom. Each wants to be the head of everything and to solve everything. If you want to solve everything, we won't create an ombudsman position.
I'd like the associations to tell us exactly what they want. Currently, they like the government and don't want to displease it. That's not what I want. I haven't come here to please anyone. I want something logical and fair for everyone. I want everyone to be equal, whether they're in British Columbia, Nova Scotia or elsewhere. I want everyone to receive the same services. If there are 53 associations, there are 53 different services, and you get 53 different answers when you phone somewhere. If there were one single ombudsman... Mr. Marin from Ontario receives 25,000 complaints a year, and he conducts six major investigations every year. He has a budget of $9.6 million.
Should we do it or not? If we don't do it, I'm going to stop coming to the committee to talk about an ombudsman. I want you to give me concrete answers. Thank you.