The difficulty I have is that you indicate that this program, the VIP, actually saves money. So if a person served in World War II and in Korea--that's proven, he's a veteran--and if he has a widow, he passes on and he has a widow, what's the difficulty in extending the VIP to her right away? I don't understand what the difficulty is. If she's a widow and she's in her home and somebody passes away, I don't see what the difficulty is in extending the program. You have a two-tier system right now: some widows get it, some don't.
As you know, by the time we get this review in the fall, it will probably be next year before we see anything, and by that time, a fair number of these widows will have passed away. They're very frustrated, and so are we, because a letter from the Prime Minister, when he was in opposition, said they would do it immediately. To them, immediately means right now--not after a review, not after careful consideration, but right now.
I know this is a question more for the minister, but I can't tell you how frustrated I am that they're being delayed because of a review. A review was done in 1998--a health care review--and we're doing another one. These widows are getting older. They're getting frail. This system saves the government money. I don't understand why....
My question for you, though, on another aspect of health needs, is on hearing loss. I'm getting an awful lot of veterans in the Halifax area who have been turned down for hearing aids and/or a pension because they couldn't prove that the hearing loss was related to their service on board the ship or on battlefields. When they came home, they didn't go get a hearing test; they just went back to wherever they lived. Now, years later, of course, they have tinnitus or hearing problems.
Dr. David Lyon has said very clearly that there is a relationship between exposure to loud noise at that time and what's happening 60 years later. But they're repeatedly being turned down, over and over again.
I'm just wondering, how can we move that issue forward to help these guys?