I think we keep saying, very consistently, that we have high-priority advocacy needs, and that is VIP for frailty and VIP for pre-1981 spouses. We also keep getting messages that the ongoing health benefits review will allow options to provide those services. Then we hear that the other analysis is because we have all these veterans out there and we don't have a good appreciation of what the total number is; we have to decide how we are going to approach this problem. As I pointed out a while ago, we need to take two steps. We need to convince Stats Canada to revise their census, but we also need to realize that not all those veterans will come forward with high needs.
Going back to my comparison that 12% of seniors are identified as having high needs, currently, it's 14% of Canadian Forces veterans. That's probably a good figure, 14% to 15%, because they have higher stress on their body. We should look at those figures and say, okay, let's take some interim measures right now, because those people--as I said, I won't apologize for it--are dying. They're 85 years old; they're coming to the end of life.