There are just so many things that we have to unpackage here, aren't there? From the time that you're in the Canadian Armed Forces, where you're treated maybe like a human sometimes, we know that you're told what to do all the time. Then, if we do not divide it between male versus female, if you're not having the proper care, if you're not having all of those things, no one's there to have your back, so when you are....
I'm sorry. I'm sitting here flabbergasted, because when I look at you, Christine, I'm so sorry that you've been treated this way. It's even difficult for me to ask questions.
How did we go wrong here? How did we allow you to end up where you are? You're only a few years younger than me. How did this happen? Really, I don't have a question. I have more of a comment.
We can do better. I think the recommendations you're bringing forward are very, very important. For anything to do with sexual assault, we know the trauma. We know that it's decades. If we do not deal with it immediately, we're going to have just what you're defining today.
I thank you very, very much.
I will cede my time. Thank you.