Okay. Thank you very much.
Thank you, Mrs. Blaney.
Before I salute the witnesses, as you said, you have some documents on recruitment, retention and other things. Do not hesitate to send everything to the clerk.
I have a special request from our analyst for the report. We would like to know the number of claims for sexual trauma submitted by RCMP veterans to Veterans Affairs. We would be pleased to receive that kind of information for our report.
Ladies and gentlemen, in this second hour, we have heard from representatives of the RCMP, to whom we now say goodbye.
By videoconference, we had Jennifer Ebert, assistant commissioner, commanding officer, B division; and DeAnna Hill, assistant commissioner, commanding officer, J division.
We also had, in person, Nadine Huggins, chief human resources officer; and Joanne Rigon, executive director, executive liaison officer, national compensation services, human resources.
Once again, on behalf of the committee members and myself, we thank you for coming to meet with us today.
I'd like to thank the entire technical team and everyone who worked on this meeting, and I say goodbye to the members of the committee.
The meeting is adjourned.