Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order to correct yesterday's record of our proceedings with respect to an error that slipped into the simultaneous interpretation. I will take a minute or two to alert the Chair and the entire House.
At page 7181 in the French version of Hansard , the following sentence appears:
Le premier ministre a dit en même temps qu'on voulait procéder primordialement en coupant les dépenses, mais que, s'il fallait agir autrement,
And here are the words, Mr. Speaker:
on était prêt à le faire, parce que le but principal est d'éviter la vraie hausse de taxes qui est une augmentation des taux d'intérêt.
The English translation of Hansard -I will just repeat the last words-says:
-we were prepared to do so because the main objective is to avoid the burden of higher interest rates.
That is, of course, accurate. However, the transcript of the simultaneous interpretation overheard by all members of the House yesterday, including the members of the media, said, and again I quote the words: "Elsewhere we would do so because our main target is to avoid a true increase in taxes, including RRSPs".
Those words are not to be found in the French text. In fact it is an inaccurate simultaneous interpretation which bears bringing to the attention of all members of the House in the event that members or even the public may have received inaccurate information.