Mr. Speaker, I would like to commend the member for Rosemont—Petite-Patrie for his excellent speech. Indeed, we must also congratulate the New Democratic Party for the motion that was moved, and which reads:
That, in the opinion of this House, the introduction of a national identity card offends the principle of privacy and other civil rights of Canadians and this House therefore opposes its introduction.
We have assessed this situation. Obviously, we know that the national identity card is in the planning stages. However, it is important to remember that a few months ago there was another plan in a completely different area, a draft bill to tighten the disability tax credit. The type of action we are seeing today is what led the government to back down and withdraw that bill that made no sense.
In fact, it was learned that a judge had ruled that persons with disabilities had a right to the credit. Instead of listening to the courts, the government tried to tighten the criteria. Efforts were made similar to today's motion. So far, unless the budget contains surprises, we will have managed to protect persons with disabilities from the government's plan.
Today's debate is similarly important. The Bloc Quebecois is against an obligatory national identity card. I would like to relate a personal experience of mine.
A few years ago, the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities was looking into the social insurance card. We reviewed the situation. We wondered why there were hundreds of thousands of social insurance cards that had problems. Cards belonging to deceased persons were still active. Particularly since the card, which was created for government purposes initially, such as income tax and employment insurance, had become the norm in the private sector. The whole banking industry used it; it was used in credit investigations and in all sorts of areas, when that was not the original intent. Because we were not careful enough at the beginning, we had gotten to this point.
So, we need to ensure that we never run into the same problem with a national identity card. The best way to avoid that is not to have such a card, because we do not really need it. It is not an essential tool, especially if it contains information like social insurance number, date of birth or, with today's technologies, all kinds of other information that could be used eventually to monitor individuals, even law-abiding citizens who have never been trouble with the law.
This card, however, could be used to take control, collect information and ensure that Canadian citizens are required to carry at all times a card that is not really necessary. We should always be very careful when dealing with such requests.
We all remember the fiasco with the megafile of the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency and Human Resources Development Canada. Information that had been collected for a very specific purpose was being used for all kinds of things. There is no need to make matters worse.
It must be kept in mind that the idea for this card dates back to last November 13, when an immigration agreement was signed between Ottawa and Manitoba. The minister took advantage of that opportunity to voice the opinion that an identity card similar to the one now issued to landed immigrants and permanent residents might be used by all Canadians, and of course all Quebeckers.
The minister ought to have explored his idea in greater depth, asked for research to be done into it by his department, and looked into the consequences before tossing out such an idea. Now everyone is up in arms about it, hence this opposition day to let the public know and clearly understand the danger of such a measure.
Creation of a national identity card raises a number of issues. At the present time, there is no card used specifically for personal identification. People can use their driver's licence, their health card, their Maple Leaf card, their passport. The reason there is no such card is that we live in a constitutional state and not a police state.
A peace officer cannot, for example, demand that we identify ourselves simply because we are walking in a park. We are entitled to anonymity and privacy; this is an acknowledged right and one that distinguishes us from other countries. We know that from what we see in movies, or when we travel abroad. Here, individuals feel truly protected. They feel that they are full-fledged citizens. They do not feel that someone constantly has an eye on them, nor do they feel obliged to behave in such a way as to please the state.
It is understandable that an extraordinary syndrome has developed in the United States in the aftermath of the tragic events of September 11, and we can understand their reaction. We must not end up going beyond the objectives set, particularly when even those objectives are not necessary.
Then there is the whole matter of the costs relating to such a card. We have the example of gun control. We remember the debate on the principle behind gun control. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned, by looking at the consequences of having a very restrictive law with numerous obligations. We cannot tell where the introduction of this card might lead us, as far as unnecessary additional obligations and costs are concerned. The card in itself is not essential.
Creating a national identity card would mean having a computer system containing information. If the card contained biometric data, the system would have to be able to read these data and compare them with a central registry. If only names, addresses, gender and height appeared on the card, this would not be too problematic, but this kind of information on a national identity card is almost useless and would not justify significant government expenditures on such a program.
If such a card is desirable, it is because it has a purpose. This purpose is not desirable. It is not viable; it is not appropriate in a democracy such as ours.
Essentially, the authorities will not say that a whole lot of information would be kept on this card, as this might frighten the public. But what about in five or ten years, when people are used to carrying around a national identity card? Why not add additional information?
In this regard, the Privacy Commissioner, Mr. Radwanski, who is the watchdog, if you will, concerning this kind of government policy, has issued a warning. He said:
Just remember that income tax was supposed to be a temporary measure to finance the second world war. And that social insurance numbers were only supposed to be used to administer the social insurance system.
These two examples show just how necessary specific guidelines are with regard to such a card which, at most, could be voluntary. On one hand, if the card were issued and it were impossible to add information considered essential, then why have it; however, if this information were integrated into our legal system, why create such a card when it is not needed?
Overall, the world has taken a balanced approach. Some countries have national identity cards, such as Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Malaysia, Singapore, Pakistan, and Kenya. Other countries do not have national identity cards: Ireland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Mexico, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Bangladesh, Korea and Taiwan.
Both lists include models of democracy and others that are not really considered models of democracy. The card in itself has not brought about any improvement in this regard and can be a dangerous tool.
Getting back to the Privacy Commissioner, in his 2001-02 annual report, he clearly opposed the concept of a national identity card. He said, and I quote:
Given the Government's current behavior on other privacy matters, it is difficult to avoid fearing that this means that it wishes to introduce such a card.
He obviously has very serious concerns. He then added:
I can find no justification for a national identity card—
He further added:
Rather than a “debate” about a grave and needless intrusion, Canada needs clear acknowledgement by the Government that the fundamental privacy right of anonymity as we go about our day-to-day lives is too important to abrogate for no apparent reason.
I think that all this criticism should prompt the minister to put this idea on hold, to study its relevance if he so wishes, to see what is being done in other countries. However, I think that this idea has not been properly thought through and that, basically, it does not meet the standards of a democracy such as ours.
That is why the Bloc Quebecois believes that, as stated in the motion:
—the introduction of a national identitycard offends the principle of privacy and other civil rights ofCanadians and this House therefore opposes its introduction.
That is the position of the Bloc Quebecois in this debate.