Vote topic

That the House call on the government to take action to prevent forced marriages and any kind of non-consensual sponsorship in the immigration system by amending the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations so as to: ( a) ban the use of proxy, telephone, and fax marriages as a means to spousal sponsorship; (b) disallow explicitly, in section 5, the use of proxy, telephone and fax marriages for the purpose of immigration; and (c) set out administrative measures that communicate clearly to visa officers how to detect a proxy, telephone or fax marriage.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 154
Bloc Conservative
No 113
Forces et Démocratie NDP Liberal Green


Didn't vote Leona Aglukkaq
Didn't vote Mike Allen
Didn't vote Keith Ashfield
Didn't vote Lois Brown
Didn't vote Julian Fantino
Didn't vote Stephen Harper
Didn't vote Denis Lebel
Didn't vote Peter MacKay
Didn't vote Rob Nicholson
Didn't vote Lisa Raitt
Didn't vote Andrew Scheer
Didn't vote Alice Wong
Didn't vote Stephen Woodworth


Didn't vote Niki Ashton
Didn't vote Chris Charlton
Didn't vote Jean Crowder
Didn't vote Don Davies
Didn't vote Paul Dewar
Didn't vote Matthew Dubé
Didn't vote Claude Gravelle
Didn't vote Pierre Jacob
Didn't vote Pat Martin
Didn't vote Marc-André Morin
Didn't vote Dany Morin
Didn't vote Thomas Mulcair
Didn't vote Pierre Nantel
Didn't vote Romeo Saganash
Didn't vote Philip Toone


Didn't vote Claude Patry




Didn't vote Elizabeth May

Forces et Démocratie