Vote topic

That, having recognized the principle of complying with the Kyoto targets, it is the opinion of this House that the government should provide the Government of Quebec with the sum of $328 million to enable it to implement its plan to meet the Kyoto Protocol targets.

See context in the Debates.


Yes 166
Bloc NDP Liberal
No 119


Didn't vote John Baird
Didn't vote John Cummins
Didn't vote Norman Doyle
Didn't vote Stephen Harper
Didn't vote Gary Lunn
Didn't vote Inky Mark




Didn't vote Don Bell
Didn't vote Brenda Chamberlain
Didn't vote Raymond Chan
Didn't vote Joe Comuzzi
Didn't vote Irwin Cotler
Didn't vote Ujjal Dosanjh
Didn't vote Tina Keeper
Didn't vote Jean Lapierre
Didn't vote Paul Martin
Didn't vote Peter Milliken
Didn't vote Judy Sgro
Didn't vote Lloyd St. Amand
Didn't vote Belinda Stronach
Didn't vote Joe Volpe


Didn't vote André Arthur