Can I start by clarifying something?
In the last round of questioning as well, everyone—and maybe it's the translation—keeps referring to “producers” and scriptwriters. It's “directors”. Can we have that struck from the record and revised?
We are not proposing to share copyright with producers, just to be very clear. We're proposing that it's a co-authorship between writers and directors. The reason is that it is a creative position, an act of creation. Producers—the APFTQ and CMPA—are very concerned about authorship, and I understand that, but they're most concerned about ownership and exploitation of the work.
To get to your question, Madame Lavallée, there are jurisdictions all over the world that recognize authorship of the audiovisual work. This is not a new concept. In France, Spain, Italy, and South America, we have been collecting money through our collection society from these jurisdictions for many years. The law generally states that the writer and the director are the author of the audiovisual work, because authorship is a creative endeavour. The “owner-maker” is the producer.
I think producers are concerned about having all the rights they need to exploit their content, and we can assure them that we will give them everything they need to exploit our work. As authors, we are first owners of copyright. We are prepared to transfer it, and we have a legal document drafted to transfer that ownership to producers right off the top, so that they can have all of the exploitation they need. When they exploit, we get money in our pockets.