Thank you very much, and good morning, everyone.
We want to first of all thank all of you for the opportunity to appear before the committee, and we certainly appreciate being asked for our perspective on the critical question of creator compensation and copyright in Canada.
My name is David Swail. I am the president of the Canadian Publishers' Council. With me is Kevin Hanson, president of Simon & Schuster Canada and vice-chair of the Canadian Publishers' Council.
This morning I will briefly outline our principal concerns with the state of creator compensation in Canada, and I will also introduce to the committee our solutions, including some legislative amendments and the co-creation of a digital commons for Canadian educators.
First, if you'll allow me, I'll provide you with a little bit of background on the Canadian Publishers' Council and our membership.
Our organization represents 16 of Canada's largest publishers, operating across all segments of our industry, including trade publishing, higher education, K-to-12 and professional.
Our members are a mix of both Canadian-owned firms and Canadian subsidiaries of global publishers, such as Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Pearson and Scholastic, among many others.
Our members' aggregate revenue in 2017 was $853 million. Collectively, we directly employ more than 3,000 very highly skilled, knowledge-based workers in this country and many thousands more in freelance and contract capacities as writers, editors, subject matter experts, designers, illustrators, and researchers, and the list goes on. We are all for-profit companies among our members, and most of our members receive no government grants for their undertakings.
We are very proud to be part of a very vibrant and successful industry. I think that point gets lost often in our discussions about the state of the sector.
Canadians are among the most highly literate and supportive reading public in the world, and our authors are celebrated as never before, both in Canada and globally. Our educational publishers are widely recognized for their expertise and are key contributors to global initiatives within their firms across the world. We want to continue building on that success and developing both Canadian writers and Canadian publishers and bringing more Canadian authors to global audiences.
Our members are very heavily involved in creator compensation, as you would expect. In fact, our business very much depends on it. At last count, our members had more than 9,000 Canadian authors in print in Canada. We compensate many thousands of Canadian creators in myriad ways, and I'll just outline them quickly.
First is direct employment. We employ editors, writers and designers directly. We spend about $226 million every year, and related costs include benefits, pensions, employment insurance, etc. We are big employers; in fact, we are the biggest group of direct employers in the sector.
Contract and freelance is an area where we engage creators on a contract basis, working with artists, photographers, illustrators and subject matter experts across a very wide spectrum of publishing endeavours. In aggregate, our freelance and contractor expenses are in the order of $15 million annually.
Author royalties and advances are a very important part of what we do. We advance pre-publication royalties to authors and other creators in an amount of approximately $36 million every year. As you probably all know, much of that total is never really earned out by subsequent book sales. In other words, we essentially subsidize the creation of Canadian creative work and culture by many, many millions of dollars every year as for-profit enterprises. In that process we keep creators employed and engaged along the way.
How has the creator compensation model been affected, in our experience, by copyright modernization, and particularly the fair dealing exception for education?
The first and most obvious way that we have all heard about is in the breakdown of collective licensing in the education sector, outside of Quebec. It's well documented that the near-total collapse of that licensing is costing creators some $30 million annually, with licensing royalties down about 90% since 2012.
For writers, whose annual compensation, as the Writers' Union has recently publicized, is estimated at about $9,400 a year, that is a significant hit to their incomes.
There is a major spillover effect as well for our members. Our publishers are finding it increasingly difficult to engage creators in educational publishing projects in particular, as they turn to other, more reliable means of making a living while they see royalty payments shrinking.
A further corollary effect, and perhaps more concerning in the medium and long term, is that investment in Canadian learning resources is dropping. We have had several significant K-to-12 publishers discontinue or exit their publishing program, causing significant job losses, and as I mentioned, these are well-paying, knowledge-based jobs that we believe are critical to the future of this country and this economy. Oxford University Press, McGraw-Hill and Emond Montgomery have all left the K-to-12 sector in the past few years in response to an environment they feel is no longer commercially viable.
Statistics Canada indicates that the book industry has lost about 3,800 jobs since 2012, and that's a 27% decline. Investment loss has also, as you would expect, reduced the quality and the quantity of Canadian learning resources for K-to-12 students in particular, and this is not just about print textbooks.
Canadian publishers among our members and also among the Canadian firms at the ACP have been world leaders in the development of learning technologies. We've built Canadian solutions and adapted global platforms for Canadian students, and have been embarked on that endeavour for many years with great success. The efforts led to a major redirection of publishing investment, away from print and towards technology that is adaptive to student needs and therefore more efficient, more current and often ultimately less expensive for education customers. That investment and the improvement to learning outcomes that comes with it for students is inherently at risk when the market for compensated content is diluted or eroded. We're also at risk of reducing the Canadian stories and voices that are used in our classrooms as creators and publishers reduce their time and investment in the sector.
To maintain Canada's considerable achievements in education, therefore, we must encourage rather than penalize investment and innovation in Canadian educational resources. It's critical to Canadian student outcomes and their ability to compete in an increasingly global job market.
To summarize, in addition to direct compensation for creators, the areas that are hurt most by what we consider to be very ill-defined legislation in copyright are jobs, investment and innovation. I can't think of any government in the world that would want that track record. Add to that list a diminishment in Canadian culture and a loss of Canadian stories and voices in our classroom and you get a full picture of what ambiguous legislation has brought about for us since 2012.
Let me turn now to solutions, which we're far more interested in talking about.
Alongside the adoption of technology in education, the use of—