You are asking why we are turning to new media and the Internet for advertising. I have prepared for that question.
As we explained earlier, the objective of an advertising campaign is to reach the target audience, while taking into account other considerations, such as budgets. As you know, budgets have been pretty tight lately.
That is why, first and foremost, we choose media that are used more by Canadians. Here are some statistics: 71% of Canadians with a Facebook account use it at least twice a week; 50% of them use it daily, and that figure goes up to 74% for younger people; 49% of people are on YouTube. The figure is slightly lower—27%—in the case of Twitter. And the list goes on.
As you said regarding television, it's really a mechanism that reaches Canadians, on the one hand. On the other hand, it's less expensive. We can do so much with very little money. You have probably heard from industry people that, when they create a good website to sell advertising, their revenue is higher than it was when advertising was printed on paper. That is because it's much cheaper on the Internet.
Another element is very important and that is the fact that results are instant. Most advertising campaigns are a drive to web.
We want people, after seeing the advertising, to go on the Internet for more information, perhaps to find registration forms for programs and services. Through the Internet, or using a mobile phone, people can instantly go on the desired website and complete the process.