Today, there has been much advancement on the relationship between the service and the Ottawa Police Service, mainly due to the demobilization of the RCMP from Parliament Hill.
I stand here today with the utmost confidence in that relationship with the Ottawa Police Service. As an example, we have civil authority under the Criminal Code to make an arrest, which means we don't have the authority to release. The relationship we have today with the Ottawa Police Service is that they respond when the call is made, which is greatly appreciated.
We're in the works right now, trying to ensure that these relationships are removed from just the people who are currently in place. The MOUs have started. Right now the Ottawa police have the MOU with respect to critical incident command. Our service moved quickly in 2020 to establish our own critical incident command program, and nobody really knew about us because everybody just looked at us as the RCMP. It took some time and some effort to get everybody on board, and surprisingly enough it has been welcomed. Rest assured the service has been built to hold the first 90 minutes of any incident, and we'll continue to make the necessary changes moving forward.
Again, the service takes this protective mandate of Parliament, parliamentarians, staffers and others very seriously.