I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 20 of the Special Joint Committee on the Declaration of Emergency, which was created pursuant to the order of the House of March 2, 2022, and of the Senate on March 3, 2022.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format pursuant to House and Senate rules. Should any technical challenges arise, please advise me, as we may need to suspend to ensure all members are able to participate.
For our first panel this evening, we are joined, from the Privy Council Office, by Jody Thomas, national security and intelligence adviser; Martin Green, assistant secretary to the cabinet, intelligence assessment; and Mike MacDonald, assistant secretary to the cabinet, security and intelligence. We are also joined by Marie-Hélène Chayer, executive director of the integrated terrorism assessment centre.
I understand that Ms. Thomas will lead with opening remarks.
Ms. Thomas, we welcome you. You have five minutes.