If I may, when Bill C-15 became law on June 28, 2005, our group was very concerned. I was hired in July 2005. My mandate was that we had to work with government to try to encourage an amendment to what this bill brought about. Now, when I was hired, we had legal opinions telling us this was a constitutional problem. So we actually went out to get another three legal opinions to make sure we had it right. Subsequent to that, I have been working very closely with Environment Canada and Transport Canada, even as an adviser to the team at the IMO.
During our informal discussions on this issue—which is very important to us, and they are aware of that—they said, you know, Kaity, had you come to us back when you were at the Senate saying that the only change you wanted was to restore the presumption of innocence, and not a shopping list of other issues.... For example, environmental wildlife officers were to be making the arrests, and the industry was concerned that people who didn't understand the industry were to be on the other side, enforcing. So a stack of requests was put forward. They said, had you come with that one request, we probably could have done something.
We've been working with them for four years. So we are shocked at how this came about, without any knowledge on our part. They're telling us they had no knowledge of it as well. So we're here again today before you, asking for a single amendment or a single statement that the right to be presumed innocent will be put clearly into all nine pieces of legislation we are now standardizing.
Thank you.