Sure. Sorry.
We believe this represents a regression in environmental law for the following reasons:
It effectively takes decision-making authority out of the hands of the subject-matter experts in the agencies such as Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and Natural Resources Canada, and transfers it to judges. The parameters of judicial review set out in the bill ignore the fact that such decision-making requires careful balancing of environmental, economic, and social considerations, which is the proper purview of parliamentarians and civil servants, not judges.
Additionally, we are concerned that it ignores the careful balance and recognition of the shared provincial and federal jurisdiction over the environment by vesting this authority in the federal courts. We anticipate that allowing any entity or resident of Canada to seek recourse in federal courts will open the floodgates to vexatious, obstructionist, and interminable legal challenges.
Finally, granting federal courts the power to suspend or cancel a permit or authorization and making injunctions substantially easier to obtain could have significant and far-reaching effects on the reliability of Canada's hydropower supply. This in turn will lead to negative impacts on Canadian consumers and businesses.
We do not perceive enough safeguards to ensure that antagonistic lawsuits are not brought against projects. At any rate, we believe these changes should not be accepted merely on the basis of the obvious good intentions of the bill. CHA would recommend to this committee that it carefully review the legal analysis of the effect of these changes on judicial resources.
I am not a lawyer, but my members have advised me that a very serious problem runs throughout part 2 of Bill C-469. Although entitled "Judicial Review", it actually isn't. Clause 16 under part 2 creates an environmental protection action and allows the plaintiff to prove its case on a balance of probabilities basis. This means that every time an individual or entity disagrees with an authorization or permit under any environmental legislation, they could file a claim, which would result in a trial to see if the court agrees with the government's action or inaction.
In a judicial review, the court is determining whether the official acted within the powers allowed by the statute and with a correct understanding of the law. In an action file, according to the provisions of Bill C-469, any individual or an entity could attack a decision based on a brand-new, vague standard even though the decision was correct according to the applicable statute. The courts currently exercise significant powers of judicial review over agency decision-making. This all adds up to a fundamental change to both the application of administrative law and to Canada's entire approach to environmental stewardship. The nature of this sea change approach demands more in-depth consideration than I believe has occurred. These are obviously complex issues that need to be better explored by legal experts.
But let me return to Canadian Hydropower Association's fundamental concern. Based on our reading of this bill, this legislation would mean that no business, no industry large or small, could operate securely in the knowledge that they are on safe ground even if they're fully compliant with the general law and any permits and licences that have been issued. An action can still be brought before the federal courts, and compliance with permits and licences is not a defence. It does not matter whether those permits and licences have been issued under federal, provincial, or territorial law. We believe this makes Bill C-469 substantively different from other jurisdictions that have adopted an environmental bill of rights approach.
For example, Quebec's Charte des droits et libertés, which specifies that everyone has the right to live in a healthy environment, includes the presumption that this right is met whether or not relevant environmental authorizations and permits have been acquired. It does not allow individuals to challenge the permits themselves and in this way avoids the potential for vexatious litigation that Bill C-469 would create. We believe this type of necessary safeguard is missing from Bill C-469.
In closing, I'd like to reiterate that the intentions behind the bill, as we understand them, are laudable from an environmental protection standpoint. As I mentioned before, CHA is an association populated by developers who approach and discharge their environmental responsibilities with the utmost seriousness. Again, CHA values the intentions and goals that guide this draft legislation. While Bill C-469 may offer more procedural mechanisms to allow more people to engage in environmental protection efforts, from a practical perspective it is destined to duplicate and functionally replace numerous aspects of existing federal legislation and policy.
Moreover, from the CHA's perspective it inappropriately transfers environmental decision-making authority from the executive and legislative branches of government to the judiciary while introducing a suite of ambiguous terms and concepts into an already complex environmental regime.
From the point of view of Canada's hydropower producers, this bill would create massive uncertainty for the operation of our facilities. Our members would experience a disincentive to undertake programs or measures that would have an overall positive effect on ecosystems. Instead, developers would be compelled to focus solely on minimizing specific impacts directly linked to their activities. Moreover, it presents a high potential for frustrating the future development of clean and renewable energy, thereby depriving Canadians of proven methods for fighting air pollution and climate change.
No form of energy development is perfect, but I am confident in saying that for Canada hydro power is our best option. From both a socio-economic and an environmental perspective, hydro power can offer Canada a sustainable net benefit. Hydropower developers are naturally concerned by any measure that might further complicate, obstruct, delay, defer, or defeat hydropower development, and we believe Canadians should be concerned as well. It is for this reason that although we respect the goals and intention of Bill C-469, we must voice our strong concerns regarding the institutional change and negative consequences it could create.
Thank you very much, and I'd be happy to take any questions at this time.