I am deeply concerned, as are probably the vast majority of witnesses we heard from as well as the more than 150 who submitted briefs, that public participation rates are given short shrift in this bill. It just isn't adequate to say that the public has a right to participate.
I looked at other federal legislation. I looked at the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, which our committee looked at previously, and, lo and behold, there's a whole section right at the beginning with the heading “ Public Participation”. That act lists all the rights and opportunities of the public to participate, and the duties of the government to deliver those rights.
This bill as it stands right now is completely user-unfriendly to the ordinary person trying to determine their rights and opportunities to participate in these processes, to trigger a review, to gain access to information, to be able to present evidence, or to be able to cross-examine. Therefore, I have suggested that all the rights and opportunities listed throughout the act be moved forward to a proposed new section 9.1 under the heading “Public Participation”, and that is what I have listed in here.
I tried to be all-encompassing. I've tried to list right upfront everything from participating in the planning stage to being able to be consulted on development or the amending of schedule 3, to requests made by the agency for additional information that get notice, decisions as to whether an impact assessment is required or directing the agency not to conduct an impact assessment, to decisions by the minister, decisions made by the agency to conduct an impact assessment, decisions made by the minister not to conduct an impact assessment, the right to receive notice of a determination by the minister, and so on and so forth.
I've done my best to go through and, anywhere that a public right has been extended, to move that up front in the bill so that it becomes more user-friendly to the public.