Yes, my investiture was in May 2005. As a result of these problems, the organizer, Michel Rivard, desperately wanted me to somehow get rid of Mr. Leone and that I should take his place to accept these fabricated expenses. I refused to do so. I did not believe that they would go ahead. I have nothing to hide; I am an honest person with integrity. We prepared the election returns correctly and honestly, and I wasn't going to inflate the election expenses in order to receive a "fat" reimbursement.
Mr. Pierre Coulombe told me that if I did not agree, then it would be too bad, but I would no longer be the candidate. I did not believe that it would happen, because my campaign photographs were ready, I had already reserved my truck and I was waiting for my election signs. It was the first week of the campaign. When I telephoned to find out about my signs, Mr. Paulin Grenier, a regional organizer, told me that I would no longer be conducting the campaign because I had been replaced. Imagine how that shattered my dreams! I had been crisscrossing the district for a year and a half, and it was the new candidate who would reap the benefits of my work. It had become very clear that La Mauricie had become very auspicious for the Conservatives.
In any event, I can look in the mirror and feel proud of myself.