You're not wrong on that. Mr. Mayrand went on to say very clearly that expenses can't be transferred, and that's pretty much what you're saying.
If I may read you an example, please, what we're trying to determine here is ethical standards, and really the only way to do that is to compare colleague to colleague. I'm going to read you a statement, and I hope the chair does not cut me off on this. This is from the director general of the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta:
During the past election campaign, the Liberal Party of Canada in Alberta transferred funds and/or paid for services in kind directly to the candidate on whose behalf [they] were acting as official agent.
We've established that there's nothing wrong with that, right? With transfers of funds, there's nothing wrong there.
The letter goes on to refer to an expense incurred by the national party for northern Alberta candidates, an ad placed in the Edmonton Journal, that should be claimed at the local level. This is a transfer of expense. How do you explain that to be different from what happened to you?