It's a very interesting policy question, and there are all kinds of trade-offs that I think go way beyond our mandate but that I think are important issues for members of Parliament.
I think I can start by saying that when this government introduced stimulus in 2009-10, it was in the context of a significant weakening of the economy, again with significant uncertainty going forward, but knowing that the economy was going to operate well below its capacity. So in our terms, when economists talk about an output gap, in 2009 we're talking about an economy operating at close to five percentage points below its potential. Now we're saying, to update this context to 2011, we're operating somewhere in the nature of just below 3%, or two and a half percentage points below our capacity. And we're saying as you go forward, we don't really know.... I don't think it's fair to say there is just massive uncertainty, as expressed on both sides of this table, about what will happen in Europe, about what will happen in the United States, but we know that will have an impact on Canada.
We're saying that in our situation this will widen the output gap further, so we'll see a little bit of a dip in the output gap, something similar to what we saw in the 1990s, before it comes back up and closes.
Again, whatever decision is made by the government and whatever advice you provide...I think first as economists we want to give you a sense of where we think the economy is operating vis-à-vis its potential. This is significant. We're talking about--and I'm sure you heard this from Mr. Carney as well--a context of a world financial crisis, growth operating below its potential for a long period of time.... So in that context, any stimulus package has to be in the context of what it will do in terms of helping closing that output gap.
The government said that with this $47 billion package it could add an additional two percentage points to GDP and an additional 200,000 jobs.
I think for the most part, in our analysis, when we looked at those numbers they seemed reasonable from the point of view of our economic models. I think the IMF as well has been relatively supportive of the government's efforts in that stimulus package.
But going forward it's a judgment call you have to make. What are the risks of literally seeing a recession in Europe and potentially the United States, and what would that mean for Canada vis-à-vis the kind of growth forecast you're getting, mostly from PBO, from the average private sector forecast, the IMF—just sluggish growth. Even with sluggish growth, you have an economy operating below its capacity for a long period of time. Then you get into questions of design. How do I design a package for that kind of experience, and what would be the appropriate tools?
So it's a recession or a period of weakness that's very different from what we saw in the early 1980s, which was a very steep recession. You're talking about something longer. You'd have to design it in that kind of context.