Okay. My observation from Ms. O'Connell's questioning and assertion that the Canada summer jobs grant has a wide swath of small businesses that benefit, is that my experience over nine years now of reviewing the documents is that in the initial phase I have had fewer than 10 small businesses approved, and probably 90% or more of the organizations that are recommended for approval are public institutions, cooperatives, not-for-profits.
I would ask this, without putting forward a motion, which I think would be fair, because I can go back in the records and show you my documents. In fact, this year there were 26 small businesses not recommended, a handful that were, less than 10, and I, as you know, as a parliamentarian can say I would like those to be reconsidered and put into the mix and they were and every one of them got a student. I believe that for every one of those 26 individuals, although they didn't fill out the application as well as some other professional organizations are able to do and they were not recommended, I made sure they got that.
I think it would be appropriate, and I would very much like to see, the members of this committee submit their summers jobs grant lists of individuals to verify what your comments were today. I have not seen it under my term here under our government and this year as well.