From my perspective [Technical difficulty—Editor] I don't have any such grid. I'm a mere litigator, I'm afraid. I'm very responsive to the individual questions of clients, but I don't study or pretend to study sanctions imposed by different entities overall. I follow it. I have a blog called in which I try, personally, to track sanctions developments around the world.
Actually, one comment I would make is that I also practise in the field of antitrust where there are very well-established networks of agencies internationally that share information. I think there is a lack of similar interaction on a sanctions level, but I suspect Mr. Drezner will be more familiar with matrices for measuring sanctions.
I have just one comment before I hand over. You can ask me about the way the European Union imposes its sanctions, but actually the people you should ask are the European Union officials and perhaps officials from the U.K. Foreign & Commonwealth Office. They could tell you from the horse's mouth, as it were, how they go about gathering evidence, and whether they think that's a good system or not. We can follow up afterwards. If anyone would find it useful, I'd be happy to provide the names of people I think might be useful to you. As I say, I'm in private practice, and I can give my personal views, but I wouldn't pretend to be someone directly involved in the system.