Last year, when we appeared in front of OGGO, we discussed the fact that we had published, at that time, what we call the network modernization way forward strategy. In this document, which was the subject of consultation and engagement with industry, there was a list of upcoming procurement measures that would be taken to modernize the network.
I'm pleased to report that most of these initiatives, which include a lot of competitive, open-generated procurement, have been launched and achieved. My numbers on this are that we have 37 completed or initiated, and six still to be started.
This document was subject to a lot of engagement with industry to give us a sense of where SSC, based on the engineering assessment, would be able to generate procurement or where we need to continue to use equipment-specific for some time. Even where we do equipment-specific—in this case you mentioned Cisco—we still allow competition among the resellers of the product. It's not going to Cisco; it's going to the market for bidding.
We have also put an internal review process in place at SSC for any equipment-specific requirements for networks to be reviewed by an independent group, including an external adviser, to make sure we have a sound rationale technically to go there. As we've explained in the past, our network, which is made of around 170,000 parts and pieces of equipment, is highly dependent on what we had before. We readjust it over time. The fact that we have a lot of Cisco means that sometimes we need to replace it with Cisco, but that's not always the case.
I have good news, and this is encouraging for me. We're seeing a progression, an increase, in terms of what is going to Cisco competitors. Three of them in 2021 got a major increase. Extreme Networks had an increase of 100%, from $1.3 million to $2.7 million for the year. Fortinet went from $3.8 million to $10.7 million. Juniper went from $4.5 million to $7.2 million. There is a signal of progression. We are not there. It's going to take multiple years, but we have the foundation of a very transparent and sound process.
The goal at the end is to have something that is reliable and avoids difficulty for critical applications to operate in the Government of Canada.