Never say “final”.
I listened to my colleague's comments and, I guess, this is almost starting to remind me of the different debates we've had on the floor of the chamber about our justice system in Canada, in the sense that if we could just educate people and do a better job of informing them of what's right and wrong, somehow that's going to solve the problem and they won't do anything wrong from now on.
With all due respect to Mr. Proulx, yes, I believe that's part of it—I have no problem with that—that members should be reminded, and be reminded with the sternest method possible, that this is serious and they should take the oath of confidentiality seriously. I have no problem with that.
But I still maintain, having been here now for nearly 14 years, that if there aren't some sorts of consequences, some of us will not take it seriously. That's certainly been my observation over the past 14 years. I think the vast majority of members of Parliament take their oath extremely seriously, and there are others, unfortunately, who don't. I do believe that some sanctions could potentially provide some deterrence to that behaviour. Yes, it's not easy to arrive at how guilt is proven; I agree that's extremely difficult.
In light of the conversation we've had around the table over the last half an hour or so, I would agree with Mr. Lukiwski and Monsieur Godin that all of us—and we have to be honest about this—could be guilty of inadvertently disclosing something that should have been an in camera or confidential conversation or discussion, with no malice at all. It happens, as others have said. That's why, in my earlier comments, I was dealing with draft reports or something in writing, or something on which there's no debate, such as, “Oh, I forgot this, and it just happened to be picked up by someone from the Toronto Star or the The Globe and Mail.” I'm talking about where people just completely flaunt the fact that they have an oath of office, and they don't have any interest in trying to maintain confidentiality with their colleagues, and they purposely leak documents.
That's not the same as a number of discussions of ours at committee, where we've been in camera and in public, and some reporter asks us about it six months later and we try to remember, “Okay, was it confidential, for example, when Yvon had said XYZ on that particular day? Was that while we were in camera, or am I free to mention that Yvon said something I disagreed with?”
That's legitimate. All of us are in a position where, even with the best of intentions, our memories can play tricks on us. There's a world of difference between that and when we're dealing with a confidential draft report that might be very sensitive, as it perhaps contains some stuff that, later on, before the final report is released publicly, we may all agree collectively to take out, such as some reference to witnesses' testimony, or whatever, given in camera. So it's still under discussion, it's still under development, and one of our colleagues decides, “Oh no, I'm upset enough about something that was said in camera, when so-and-so said something, and I'm going to get even with them and leak this damn report; I'm going to make a big issue of it on the front page of the paper.”
And there's no sanction for that. It does go on; we know it goes on. I think all of us, or certainly the majority of us, from all parties are upset about this.
Monsieur Proulx could be quite correct; maybe this discussion will just be a waste of time. And just as other committees have grappled with this over the years, it is not anything new. Maybe it's getting worse. Maybe it's getting better. Maybe it's staying the same.
Madam Clerk referred to her involvement, obviously, in a study of this very issue in a previous Parliament under Speaker Fraser. I'm sure if we went back and looked at precedents, Monsieur Proulx would be correct in the sense that parliamentarians before us have grappled with this problem.
I think Madam Clerk alluded to this, but at some point in time, if we discuss it, debate it, and in the end say nothing can be done about it, then nothing will change. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and again, expecting a different result.
In my estimation, we won't get a different result, especially for deliberate leaks of documents, unless we find some other way. People can't come here to throw themselves at the mercy of the committee and say they forgot they were talking to a reporter, they forgot something was confidential, and they gave the reporter a draft report. What kind of nonsense is that? The person is guilty, and there should be some punishment.