Thank you for your question.
There is obviously a distinction to be made between equipment purchased for your riding office, as opposed to your office on the Hill. For your riding office, as a Member of Parliament, you have all the necessary latitude, except if you make use of your MP improvement fund; in that case, you must follow House of Commons standards. In that case, if the MP has equivalent equipment that meets the standards, is cheaper and provides the same service, he can purchase it. Where we do make a major distinction is with respect to equipment used on Parliament Hill. The primary reason for that, as you know—and this is good news—is that the systems on the Hill are highly integrated, which means that there has to be a certain discipline and rigour applied to equipment that we authorize and install in MPs' offices.
The difference, for example, when you buy a recommended scanner—in other words, the only one you are authorized to purchase for your office on the Hill—is that we provide a total guarantee: you do not have to purchase any maintenance contract. We have what is called the Depot Service and we are the local provider representing the company. We give you the assurance that you will never be left to deal with equipment on your own and that we will provide cutting edge service. We understand how important the work of MPs is. My role is, first and foremost, to ensure that Members of Parliament can perform their parliamentary duties. In no case would I want them to be distracted by deficient technology, to be unable to access the network, to have a dysfunctional schedule, to be unable to go to the House, to not receive a copy of debates, and so on. Security considerations are huge at the House of Commons, because of the impact—there are cyber attacks on the scale of the entire campus—it's huge!
Having said that, we provide quality service which includes support and this flexibility. Every piece of equipment has its own characteristics, in terms of the microcomputer chip and what are called drivers. It is very difficult for us to guarantee quality service if we are dealing with 25 different companies that produce scanners, printers, computers, and so on. It's a little like a garage mechanic saying that he repairs every imaginable make of car.