Mr. Chair, here we go again. The suggestion on behalf of Mr. Brison...first, he's trying to make sure the report is only two pages, and he's doing everything he can to take out vital information. Now he's trying to put things into the report that never happened. That did not happen. The majority of the committee did not make those statements or draw those conclusions. Unless it was the vote of the committee that said that, there's no evidence of that.
If Mr. Brison wants to agree, we can give the report to the analysts and see if every member of the coalition expressed that view at the hearings, and maybe I would agree to that, but it's simply not what happened. It wasn't a majority; it was some members. So let's not try to change the document. Let's not try to change what happened. Let's let the media and the public see what actually went on in the hearings without adding things that weren't in there. It's just a reflection of your concern. The public will see that the outcome of these hearings was preordained over a week ago, and it's a facade the coalition has created.
Thank you.