For one thing, the act deals with furthering the private interests of relatives and friends. The code only deals with furthering your own private interests. There are about three or four sections in there that I think should.... I mean, why the heck should you be able to further the private interests of your relatives and friends? That's not covered in the code.
On the business about the receptions, I said you might want to make a special rule about the receptions and have that as a carve-out in the gifts, if indeed they're all going on. Basically, I don't find most receptions problematic anyway, the ones that are open to everybody, but if it were stated in the code, it might comfort some people.
Applying an acceptability test to sponsored travel is a bit of a delicate one. That was a big foofaraw about five or six years ago. CBC tried to make something of it and they had a big scandal. But it sort of fizzled because members observed that if you couldn't accept those gifts, then you would never get to travel anywhere—which is pretty feeble, but on the other hand, there it is.
The fact of the matter is that a lot of money is spent by people on the outside, and there's no acceptability test at all as to whether you can accept this travel or hospitality from people. Often it's given by countries.
Concerning prohibiting personal solicitation of funds by members, in the act there's a prohibition against personally going out and soliciting funds. I think that would be a good one.
Then there are the two sets that I mentioned. One is the disclosure provisions, which just need to be cleaned up and for which I've given you drafts.
I'd like you to stop having to make me come here to get my guidelines and forms approved, especially the forms. What happened last June was that there were three forms that had to be fixed, because you changed the level of gifts from $500 to $200 for the sponsored travel and they were wrong. There was no time to get them to this committee, because they came into force as soon as the election was over, the day after.
Nobody was sitting then, so there was no way I could bring it anywhere. I thought the only thing I could do was write a letter to the clerk and say that I had done it and see what you can do about it. But those three.... If you want to, you could get rid of that particular issue to approve those forms. I don't see why I have to come here to get my forms approved, frankly, nor my guidelines, for that matter. It's very unusual that I have to. I leave that with you as another one.
Do you want me to keep going? I'm just seeing these things on my list.
Sanctions for failing to meet reporting deadlines is a tough one, because I think the legal analysis would be that only Parliament can impose penalties on MPs. I think that's probably a no go, and I more or less mentioned that.
Inquiries is the other area that, unlike disclosure, has inconsistencies—between the English and French, to begin with—and other drafting issues.
I have probably skipped some here, but....
I don't expressly have the power to summon witnesses or compel documents, and I should. I've never had anybody not give them to me when I've asked for them, but there should be that power. I ran into trouble in one investigation when I looked for documents from the House of Commons and they said I couldn't have them unless they were sent first to the member who was under investigation. When I received the documents, they weren't the same. I had happened to get some of those documents from elsewhere as well, and there had been deletions. That's a problem.
I talked about producing a single annual report to Parliament. I don't care so much about that one anymore, because I have it organized so that I can do both of them. I have two reports due at exactly the same time, one under the act and one under the code. It would be somewhat convenient to put them together, but I don't care very much about that one now.
Then there's that little kicker there of a code of conduct to address partisan and personal conduct of members. You've done a bit of work on the harassment thing now, but it is pretty damning on the behaviour of parliamentarians when some of their behaviour gets media attention. What the heck? It's not good for the reputation of the institution.
I comment on that, but those are two that probably would be outside of my domain.
That's an example. Those are most of them.