Thank you. I think that was a good question because it leads up to my question.
I would like a further breakdown in all these inventories of labour that we have, the aboriginal, the disabled, etc. If we decide how we're going to work through committee employability, we have to have even more data to say, let's take these 600,000 disabled and find out where we can fit them in. I think you did wonderful work. The charts are absolutely excellent and a little scary. But they are excellent.
I would like you to take it a little bit further so that when we go out on the road we can see how we're going to attack the issue, especially with the disabled, which is going to be very important to me because of what I intend to do.
I also have another question. This is probably not a really good question, or not a nice question, for you, but it's the law that insists that you have to answer these labour surveys, isn't it? People are obligated to answer them. I do have people who get very angry when sometimes they're asked to answer these. The labour survey seems to be really intrusive to some. Or maybe it's not as intrusive as these people have led us to believe. But I want to know if there is any way out if you just find the person obnoxious, which I think one of your people might have had happen in my community. I do worry about that.
About that, which one do they have to do? Also, if there are other ones, do we have somewhere to go if we find that we're having difficulty with surveys or perhaps a conflict of personalities or something?