I think it would be very easy for the federal government to support a national data collection system. Currently, the data is collected occasionally by the provinces and territories who work with HRSDC. HRSDC, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, then publishes the data, but it's very late and is only one time.
There needs to be some kind of better system, and one way of starting it—a simple way of starting it—would be to call a small meeting of people from StatsCan, from provincial directors of child welfare, adoption coordinators, other people who collect justice statistics, and so on, and pull them together and ask how we could collect this data. It's a feasibility study.
This was done a number of years ago for child abuse statistics when there weren't any. It was a child welfare league, and I was there at the time. We pulled together a small group like this. It cost maybe $15,000, $20,000, and the group decided how to collect it. We now have national statistics on child abuse. This could be done for children in care and adoption as well. A feasibility study would be a start.